Visiting San Francisco

For general information about visiting San Francisco, visit the San Francisco Convention and Visitor’s Bureau site. If you’re looking for restaurant, a movie, or other entertainment, the San Francisco Chronicle site is an excellent resource.

Below you’ll find our suggestions on visiting San Francisco from the water.

By Land

San Francisco is served by a wide range of public transportation:

  • BART provides fast, regular service subway service to surrounding communities.
  • CalTrain offers train service down the peninsula as far as San Jose.
  • See the SFMTA site for information on buses to and within San Francisco.
  • A variety of ferries provide the most pleasant access to San Francisco, from Sausalito, Tiburon, Larkspur, Vallejo, Oakland, and Alameda.

By Water

Guest slips are often available at San Franscisco’s marinas , but advance reservations are highly recommended. There is no public guest dock in San Francisco.

Sailing vessels may anchor in Aquatic Park, but you must enter and exit under sail; motorized operation is prohibited to protect swimmers. There is a public beach where you can land a dinghy.

Amazingly, central San Francisco does not have a single restaurant that offers guest berthing.

See Sailing Directions for navigational information.

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